There you have the cold this true? What gets into your brain and you freeze the entire nervous system making you think one thing and one only volumes:
"I want to go to Hawaii to toast your ass [excuse the French] under the scorching sun!" Here, if you have this you can understand my state of mind last night ...
Still I came home ready to go to the gym [the bag I had prepared the night before and usually do not do it ever!] And I went to the bathroom to give me a general lavatina stank because of the metro. My mother, on the great joker, had not told me that the boiler was broken for the umpteenth time, so as usual I did get off the hot water in the shower, convinced that everything was normal for about 5 minutes. The beauty is that you get more and more cool down when the boiler is broken ... quiet before the shower and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Antarctic temperature farenight a thousand degrees below zero!
At first glance I thought I was dead, then those few neurons that were not frozen has triggered my body out of the shower and making me oooh no, the hell with that I went to the gym. The shower and how I was doing?!? It sucks wash in the showers of the gym, are dirty and full of bacteria and germs!
Okay after sharing with you this gem up with you to see the pictures of my birthday gifts:
♥ bag plush-fleece pink Hello Kitty, from my dad. I like a lot, I've used
♥ bedside lamp of Hello Kitty and a pen with my name, + 20 € charging from my mom. I like the lamp too, though it makes little light ... and the pen is beautiful!
♥ Bring tissues grant, Hello Kitty, by the friend of my mom.
♥ Donkey Kong country returns, to my brother who had said that I would give anything X ° D have already arrived at the 4th World ahahah that N3Rd that!
♥ C rema-body Narciso Rodriguez perfume + elle Yves Saint Laurent, who personally love to die as a fragrance, hair + flowers from my hubby or ♥ ♥ ♥ I think it is the gift that I liked most of all ^ - ^ also why did I decide
To celebrate 22 Saturday I went with my Japanese love to eat in Milan, in the same restaurant where the first time we went out together ♥ we took both the yaki udon then I jumped on the tiger roll, delicious! After dinner we went to the cinema to see "Meet our" ........... To be honest I really liked , I do not like that kind of comedy! I think I was the only room that has not laughed. _. "The fact is I do not even like movies that deal with very real issues, like the comedies, detective stories, thrillers .... if they have already see and hear it in everyday life, even to the movies annoys me. or I prefer imaginative films, stimulate me so much more! Type TRON LEGACY I've seen lately with my love, was fabulous, I really liked it a lot! And the next are: Green Hornet, Sucker Punch, and Rango [that my love is dying to go see ♥ ♥ ♥ X ° ° D ahahahah is not true, I want to see me]
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