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All and all united against the crisis!
This year will be a different March 1, it will be because so many things have happened in the past year, we've been through and that we have changed . We are living through a historical phase in which the crisis, capitalism is trying to redefine a new model of society, to reshape the balance of power, to challenge the social status of further compress the space of social democracy and practicability. Violence and exploitation of the command is acted continually on the skin of many and those who see their lives reduced to the archetype of insecurity from the migrants.
We saw in the dispute also widespread in Rimini and throughout the country, primarily in Brescia, on the question of amnesty scam domestic helpers and caregivers, as well as on acted serious forms of exploitation, in our territory, where it is a structural element of the economic system of Rimini, at the expense of workers and seasonal workers, migrant or not.
This crisis, however, has called us and calls us to act and take the word every day, and that's what we did in our networks from 1 March 2010 to present. why we need continue to be indignant, as we did all together on February 13 in Piazza Cavour , not only for the feasts of Arcore, but because this crisis continue to pay us. We migrants, we students, we precarious and insecure, our workers and factory workers, we working men and women.
The we are paying dearly with our lives, made under Marchionne blackmail by the model, since the reform Gelmini, the related work, the are paying dearly for the migrants ie private rights, dignity, justice through false prescriptions against illegal immigration scam as the amnesty decree or streams, or the introduction of a rule of selective and discriminatory as the integration agreement signed by Maroni, who uses language as an additional fetish through which continue to stigmatize and expel the migrants ie. In Lampedusa, these days, we are seeing a false and distorted emergency measures aimed at legitimizing inhumane containment, removal and sorting of more than 5000 Tunisian immigrants. The emergency is of all those migrants and those migrants who, instead of find adequate reception facilities in the present and the right to choose where to live and change their condition, they slept for days on the streets of Lampedusa or were rejected in detention centers as happened in Bologna. The emergency who is due to a security-first policy, have been shipped so dear in this territory. We must ensure DECLARED false propaganda and other security to those who live in a state of precariousness and marginality, the right to be welcomed but only a right of asylum europe o.
On March 1 last year was marked by a slogan: a day without us. But in this March 1, 2011 we no longer expresses a bias exclusive migrant subjectivity, but is multiplied and the need for declines in the coming days it in the construction of a proposal for a radical alternative to this company to quit all together and united by crisis. A day without us, students, temporary workers, migrants, workers, unemployed, pensioners this will be March 1, 2011 .
A day geared not to create an area for further ghettoization, exclusive of bias, but launched in an attempt to reconstruct subjectivity in the day that they lose more and more in the liturgy of the sad spiral of memory. On March 8, April 25 and May 1 are the natural spaces in which to reconstruct a common subjectivity, plural, the world of work, students, the universe of migrant women and men who suffer the daily life of a restoration of capitalism in an increasingly authoritarian and brutal.
This is not utopian but a hypothesis of the concrete need to be able to transform q uell'accumulo vertenzialità and struggles of immigrants and that have spread throughout Italy (Brescia, Reggio Emilia, Caserta, Nardo, Rosarno) and also in our city, around the junction of the regularization standing against exploitation, and struggles vertenzialità have shown that with great dignity and anger that there is a possibility. E this possibility of change must be built together to make it viable to be effective, because it is able to reaffirm: the right to life against death, the right of choice against the forced underground, the right to basic income, the right to study out of the privatization of knowledge, the right to the common property, as something inalienable and all, the right to work without exploitation .
For these reasons, 1 March 2011, aims to be a day that fits in the grand cycle of struggle that has characterized recent months and has seen the centrality and necessity unity, reconstruction, not as a mere form of solidarity between resistance and demands political / social, but as a chance to block c alternative to capitalism that this and biopower that uses our bodies and our mobility is surrounded giving centrality social practices and to build networks of solidarity around the strife and conflict.
Finally, we can not look, thinking to build this great day of action, the great lesson in democracy, determination, will have taught us that our brothers and sisters, Tunisians and Egyptians, who have said with great courage to want to change and subvert the authoritarian regimes that governed them for decades. It is precisely because of this struggle for the right to life outside of oppression and exploitation that we learn another important lesson: to contrast with the pursuit of the dream as a capitalist exodus from the state of life, migrate unwillingness to forcibly and had to find another place to live than the one chosen . Therefore, the right to choose to live and change their condition, not as a limitation of mobility of the bodies, but as a self .
The March 1 will then be an opportunity to return to the streets, and ask for a general and widespread ciopero s to stop the gears of the exploitation we suffer and deprive the barbarity and iniquity of this company.
The relevance of what is happening in Libya and the ferocity of Gaddafi is unfortunately not new to today. Ben
remember how many people have been abused, beaten, imprisoned, robbed, disappeared while trying to reach our shores! And how many people that Italy has sent back to die! Why
1 March 2011, immigrants and others, is "Welcome" in Rimini, we have put in motion by dismissing Bottom agreements between Italy and Libya.
The relevance of what is happening in Libya and the ferocity of Gaddafi is unfortunately not new to today. Ben
remember how many people have been abused, beaten, imprisoned, robbed, disappeared while trying to reach our shores! And how many people that Italy has sent back to die! Why
1 March 2011, immigrants and others, is "Welcome" in Rimini, we have put in motion by dismissing Bottom agreements between Italy and Libya.
Let's get right now to build a big day for the control and initiative to take back our future without giving in to any blackmail. Out exploitation, cooperating for the common good!
United against crisis Rimini
Top accessions:
Rimini global anti-racism, Paz Project Lab, CSA Grottarossa Spa, sinister noise Ass, Ass a la calle!, Collective students Rimini
They joined:
Keep Collective Conscious, Fabio Pazzaglia, Ecology and freedom Rimini Left, Left, and the Federation of Young Municipality of Rimini, the manufacture of Nichi Rimini, Maria Teresa Marano, Sinistra Critica Rimini, Rimini Asp Wings, collective Isa Tabula Rasa
For accessions:
http://primomarzo2011rimini. /
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