is not a proper diet, but rather a style of power based on the table of glycemic index food " click here to see the table ".
According to Michael Montignac, famous nutritionist, not the amount of calories you eat in a day to determine weight loss or fat of a person, but rather the quality of food.
When we eat, the time of digestion, the pancreas starts producing insulin for glucose disposal, increasing or decreasing the blood glucose (blood sugar). When you take too much glucose and blood sugar rises, a thing that happens is called iperinsulismo: an organic dysfunction, the main cause of weight gain and obesity.
The feeding method of Montignac is divided into two phases:
• STEP 1: weight loss. They are given three meals a day where you can eat whatever you want, but only a food glycemic index of not more than 35 points. This phase usually lasts 1-2 months.
• STEP 2: maintenance. Here is also provided three meals a day where you can eat whatever you want, but only of foods glycemic index of not more than 50 points, you can do the tear followed by a correction in the following days. This phase, as it is not a diet but a method of feeding, it can last a lifetime.
E 'the same method they use in hospitals for those who have cardiovascular problems, so it is not an invasive method of feeding. In addition, I read it right the table and is very varied: you eat and foremost things that I like ghghgh! I do not know whether or not to try ... however today I ate for lunch: baked horse carpaccio with fennel salad and vinegar.
And yes, I enjoyed SECSY photographed in poses like this!
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