Last night I did a little ' overtime in the office because of the hard work I had to have ready by this morning I had to record a stack of documents that there even imagine .___. I have worn the pads to the fury of a video and put them in a hurry to fix them and store them in lockers have stumbled against something invisible and I broke my shoes TT____TT ok, that were old, but I really wanted because I had given my dad. They just smashed, the entire sole came off and I was ashamed to return home by subway tanned that way ... So here I ran into the shop next to my friend and I saw a beautiful pair of ugg boots and her:
"ugg This is giapònesse gal, you know? "
is Chinese and speaks with a strange accent despite being born here ... was a bit 'in fact that I had addocchiati, so given the situation I have bought them!

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