Bridge St. Ambrose is over and I'm back in the office ... how much work [!]
I'm finishing my lunch break and I take this opportunity to update the blog is here that poor sad that stinks, not even a Christmas addobbino \\ (゜ □ ゜) /
Sunday evening I and my love went to a restaurant where the pizzas were HUGE ! (¯ or ¯) I love pizza even if they are gluten intolerant ... and this was by 10 points to 10:

However, I could not eat the whole giant tant'era, I advanced a little bit just to keep us on Dolcino, however, felt the movement in the other room, followed by phrases such "snowing bad" and "it's snowing a lot" and "stick fast" and "everything is white!" So there we are afraid, we had coffee and we escaped in a hurry at home .........
(¯^¯) I wanted the Dolcino!
came down fast Chicchino thin thin those who attack immediately frozen ground (-_ ☆) hate when it snows, but I love the snow XD and hoped to be able to do the following streams puppppppazzo the day, but something must have happened by force of BOH anomalous because, in my house which was then not so much snow fall ... uff (`ε ')
(`へ ') that delusiooooooone!
Apart from the fact that the newsagent has fucked the money and ticket from the railway link okay, but then was smaller than the other years. I was hoping to find the things I longed for a year and I did not find it, I managed to buy only the flower-shaped lights above the bed to attack all fur coat and a hat (of course synthetic, not true) and that's it for London. But in return, we ate at a place very nice, we were undecided whether to eat Brazilian, but in the end we opted for hamburgers and fries at the American saloon. How nice! Ben seemed X ° D

I want to make the model I X ° ° ° D mmm good that the cookies SGALLETTOSI sugar coated love of my ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ yummy mummy deliciousssss! Yesterday I was angry because we were at the mall for lunch and we took the pizza and I have given a "slice" so let's call the ... was so small that it seemed like the tart sauce and bread as an appetizer that give ... was mignon. So yesterday afternoon I did finish her package of cookies ahahaha!
yesterday My husband bought me the gift of Nataleeeeeee (or ☆ ☆) ! I bought him two pairs of jeans he wanted and he gave me a couple of tiger snow heaven dell'onitsuka brown teddy bear with the hair, the lines and beautiful white pom pom! What a beautiful! I like to die ♥ (o * ゜ ∇ ゜) or 〜 ♪
are the most beautiful shoes I've ever had. Kawaii ~ it!

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