Sunday I went with my love to Cartoomics in Milan. The alarm was set for 8:30 but we did not want to get up, we went to bed still 5 minutiiiii "which turned into 20, as usual. Breakfast and underground. He was so happy with the metro will not say X ° D was elated, so much so that even snorted!
Just arrived was crowded at the cash (as always, like every year) but ass if they wanted one just opened so we did where we were only the tail for 5 minutes. Upon entering there was a hot as hell and a rush to lose hope of seeing anything cute in the stands in peace, but I managed to photograph these:
I must say I am very disappointed this year. I swear that in all my life but I have not seen so many cosplay events to come and poop all in the same day (although I have to specify that this year were more "decent" than in previous years). Now the events that are targeted only by nerd [strange men, usually with goggles, face full of pimples, skinny and with an unhealthy passion / obsession for video games and star wars, they're always still in the area to play game On-line] or the cosplayers who are not at all serious.
Cosplay facts just to do something without minimum attention to detail, with no minimum care of your appearance and no minimum decency and self-esteem: esaltatissime girls who made the cosplay of L (Death Note) horrible, not at all equal to the character who walk and stand for Scalzi, stopped other crazy crazy hysterical hysterical screaming "BUT YOU ARE ....... OOHMIODDIOOOHMIODDIO aaaaaaaaaaah cosplay!" cosplayer women who complain because they look a bit ' fat and eating chocolate and, no offense to anyone, the worst thing is that if you're a little out of shape dammit no! You do not do cosplay sailor moon! And I'm not joking , I saw a sailor moon of 140kg, horrible to see, with the shirt that fits between the rolls and cellulite cosciazze filled out for display ... I mean, if you are a bit 'out of shape nobody says anything, but if you're a little' out of shape and make a well where you are half naked cosplay it's getting ridiculous .... no?
My estimate for this year was:
cosplayers SERI = 12 / / people who have 'made a fool = 3.000
"Shall we go? Me feel sick!" was the phrase of my love even after 2 hours we were there, I said yes and we have evacuated the area in a hurry. I'm sorry they have spent almost € 25 to reach and enter the show ... I'm sorry I forced my husband to come with me and I regret mostly that he only made two purchases:
Here's my love that makes the cosplay Yogi Bear who steals from the basket of snacks ahahah
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