does not take long. It is shortly to strumentalizzaizone the law in key racist. The strategy is clear: more restrictive laws and regulations make it impossible to poison the lives of migrants in our country. The Bossi-Fini law, the policy of rejections, the security package, the philosophy of the CIE, the illegal hunting, house by house, the inability to obtain health care and schooling for illegal immigrants now constitute a house of almost insuperable constraints, a tight noose around the neck of the welcome, the only prerequisite for real integration. At this rate we will see the introduction of regulations with loopholes increasingly absurd and discriminatory in any way aimed at stopping the process of migration from southern countries of the world but is unstoppable. A choice therefore instrumental in which confodono causes and effects, remedies and manipulations involved. What i want to avoid is not immigration but legal immigration and protected making much easier immigration "illegal" than the regular one. Italy is not a racist country. E 'worse. E 'became the country instrumental exploitation of racism. I mean let's face it: since it does not stop the migration process you want to make everyone understand that you can not escape the role of exploited and weak overall. Wherever he goes the migrant from the southern hemisphere, posssa is not expected to improve their standard of living and free themselves from the fate of subjugation, exploitation and misery that the world's post-colonial and neo has strategically reserved. The fate of immigrants convicted of a clandestine irroslvibile we can see the beginnings of our future: absolute insecurity, war between the poor, lack of rights and social guarantees. The whole purpose of a logic of profit by exploiting a result of extreme capitalism. Put on the ropes by the financial crisis that the deregulation of markets has produced our national capitalism, download its crisis on the weakest and worst fielding its resources to the systematic exploitation and unchecked, over time, to extend this lucrative practice to employees, to all employees. In short, it is clear that the "non" of tomorrow are all those citizens who, slowly, one piece at a time, for convenience will be relegated to the margins of society, forced every day to swell the ranks of social insecurity that this market Labour condizini oriented downward permanent to permanent blackmail. In short, those who now urge us to compress the rights to someone else in order to safeguard our future are the same ones that will tell us that that "someone else" is us. The battle against racism is therefore necessary to questopunto saying it clearly, a political and cultural clash at the same time at the base are not only xenophobic prejudices and on skin color (used instrumentally), but also opposing visions of society. E 'of this awareness that the movement antirazzistta today more than ever needs to be defeated.
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